Dan Baum

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I’ve been a reporter since 1981 and a freelancer since 1987, when I married Margaret Knox and we began thirty-one years of working together as writers and editors. You can read about how our collaboration works here.

Please follow the links above to a selection of the magazine articles we’ve produced together and to our four books.

While I used to have a side business editing book and magazine-article proposals, I had to quit that more than two years ago. Please don’t send me proposals to edit; you may not hear back from me.

I am sorry about that. But aspiring writers may want to examine the two pages of proposals — one of proposals that secured us good  magazine assignments, one for the proposals that sold our four books. Links to those are above. Everything I know about writing proposals is in those, and in my writing blog. I hope you find them helpful. You might also enjoy splashing around in Wordwork, my blog about making a living as an independent writer — pitching stories, researching, interviewing, writing, negotiating pay, budgeting and so on. The most recent post is on top and below that they go back in time to the introduction to Wordwork, here

You may contact us here.